Thursday, December 10, 2015

When My Church Prays...

God answers.

Oh I realize He answers the prayers of other churches, too, but I want this to be personal, because it is. How dare I barely stop and notice when God does His miracles in response to my prayers and the prayers of my church family. How dare I not take a moment to ponder the reality that I routinely see miraculous things happen as a direct answer to prayer. How dare I not even notice when the God who flung the stars into space stops to listen… and to answer my prayers… and the prayers of my church.

Three recent examples:

1.) We brought a man named Francisco from Colombia to help us plant a Hispanic church. He came legally, of course, but when it was time to renew (or really change) his visa, we began to run into problems and mostly a very long delay. As time marched on, it began to look more and more like he may be forced to return home and leave his work unfinished. Indeed, we had to get special permission for him to stay a little bit longer while the paperwork was being processed. If he had been forced to go home, it would have been horribly sad for many reasons, not least for his small congregation who love him, and not least for his wife and children who love it here and have settled into this place where God led them, by faith. But we prayed and we prayed hard. For many months we prayed our guts out on this issue. And late last night, I got a text from my dear friend. He had received his approval letter from the office of immigration. His visa is approved and he can stay and work legally for the foreseeable future. When my church prays, God answers.

2.) Church members brought a prayer request, not for anyone in our church, but for the son of their postal carrier. [By the way, that tells me a whole lot of good about this couple’s effort to reach out. Proud pastor, here.] The boy had a brain tumor and it didn’t look good. So we prayed. Today I received the report that after the surgery, the doctors spoke of the results as nothing short of miraculous. In fact, there is no sign of the cancer and the boy is operating normally (despite dire warnings about him losing his speech, etc. from the surgery). He has been miraculously healed and doesn’t even need to go back for a check up for a year. When my church prays, God answers.

3.) I had been out Jeeping with a friend and church member last Saturday. After we finished tearing through the snow and were enjoying a hard-earned burger, he mentioned that he was about to be a grandpa. He said his oldest daughter was set to give birth any time. A few days later, I received word that he and his wife were on the way to the hospital across the state. Sadly, their grandbaby had been stillborn… but machine’s were keeping him alive temporarily. This precious newborn’s heart had stopped for eight minutes and his lungs were filled with blood. The doctor told the mother that the baby would probably not live. Quickly, we put the word out to our prayer team, and I called my staff into my office. We prayed. I choked out a prayer through tears but I was able to pray with faith. We didn’t pray for comfort. We prayed for healing. We prayed that God would save this baby, even though it looked pretty hopeless at that point. We prayed for a miracle. Now, the baby’s lungs are clear and he is breathing on his own. All indications are that he is going to be okay. We will keep praying. When my church prays, God answers.

So there you have it. Three examples inside of a week. God answers prayer. I really should keep a lifelong list. My soul magnifies the Lord.

Now, do we always get the result we ask for? Of course not. God is still God and we do not control Him. But my goodness, isn’t it enough that many times God does exactly what we ask? Does it have to be EVERY time for us to have faith and believe prayer makes a difference? Does the answer always have to be yes, for us to keep asking? That would just be illogical and silly.

Think about it. When you were a kid, did you stop asking your parents for what you wanted, just because they didn’t ALWAYS say yes? No, in fact, one yes in a hundred no’s was enough to keep asking… especially if what you wanted was right there in front of you. Remember asking for candy in the aisle at the grocery store? Did you ever stop asking? No, because at least every once in awhile the answer was yes. Well, this week we got three yes answers from God, and I feel like a kid again, because, yes… God gave me what I wanted and EXACTLY what I asked for. And guess what that means. It means, just like a kid, I’m going to be asking more than ever! But the difference between parents and God is that He actually wants us to keep on asking. As Jesus put it,

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. “You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him. Matthew 7:7-10 (NLT)

So, church family, what are you asking God for these days? Are you asking for Him to make our church all it can be? Are you asking for Him to lead people to the Cross through our ministry? Are you asking for salvations and baptisms and spiritual growth to occur? I hope so. Because, when my church prays, God answers.

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