I remember a few years ago feeling a call to go “where no
one else is working,” as Paul put it in 2nd Corinthians 10:16. And now, here I am, thirty hours from “home”
in the “least reached” portion of the United States. I know that God called me here as a part of
something huge… perhaps even another great awakening. I know God has big plans for the
Northwest. I feel it in my soul. The crazy thing is that He called ME here to
be a part of His big plans, perhaps even to help lead this move of His. God called me to one of the bigger churches
in the region… a church with crazy potential. As if I were some great evangelist or amazing
leader. God, couldn’t you have found
someone better? Really God?
Who am I? I am but
dust. I am an unknown pastor. I am a nobody in the twitter-verse with less
than a hundred followers so far. My name
would not appear in the “Who’s Who” list of Christian leaders, if there were
such a thing. I was unknown in
Missouri. I am unknown in
Washington. I have no desire to be
known… unless being known is a necessary evil that comes with doing great
things in Christ.
And so here I am on the cusp, I believe, of a great move of
God, and I believe God wants to use me in a BIG way. Why else would He have placed me in such a
position of influence and potential as I now find myself. It’s crazy.
Me? Really God?
Lord, I surrender to Your plan. I have nothing You need. All I can promise is that I will strive with
everything I have to follow your lead.
Nothing You ask of me will I refuse.
I don’t deserve to be here. I
have done nothing to earn this opportunity, therefore I will not live as if I were
entitled to it. Instead, I lay it back
down at Your feet. I return what You
have given me. Like Moses, only in the
fact that I feel inadequate, and that I offer you this rod of mine, hoping to
take it up again as the Rod of God.
I am Yours. Lead me. Really God.
I love your heart here. I have been praying for you since God revealed to you that you would be leaving ROC that you like David would say these words..."Who am I, O Sovereign LORD and who is my family that you have brought me this far?" May we experience a "so far" work of God.