Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Concerned Citizen (Part Two)

So now what? Part One did not offer much hope, because without an act of mental discipline, I do not feel much hope. I just don’t feel it. I’m sad. Sorry, that is the truth. However, my feelings do not define reality. And I refuse to stay mired in these sad feelings. I will listen to what God is saying. When I hear from God, there is always hope. There is.

I have given the ultimate answer to all of our current conundrum repeatedly in past blogs and sermons. The ultimate answer is spiritual awakening, which will come when the church is truly revived. See 2 Chronicles 7:14. However, I want to go in another direction this time. I want to think about this a little bit more in terms of what has happened to my country… the nation where I am a natural-born citizen, and to which I am loyal. I want to talk about what has been lost and what can be regained, because as Christians, we need to figure out what battle we are fighting.

I am not so sure we can ever get our country back in the ways that we would like. In fact, I do not believe we can. I do not believe it is likely that America will ever be considered a Christian nation again. Mr. Obama was actually half right when he said that we are not a Christian nation (He was wrong to say we never were, but that’s another topic). Truth is, I would not want the world to think our nation currently represents Christianity. The world mostly sees our media and our leaders, and folks, that ain’t Christian.

Now, I have to insert a paragraph here to say what I am not saying in this blog. I am not saying Christians should throw up their hands, that we should not vote or be active in the political process. I am not saying I won’t be VERY interested in what happens with our next presidential election. I can carry on a political conversation with the best of them, and I’m very up on things, because I care. I can even have a little bit of hope that maybe we can slow the tide of secular humanism to some degree through the political process. Rest assured, I will be voting and I am not afraid to say what I believe about the issues in the appropriate setting.

Having said that, notice I said I can only hope to slow down our negative progression, not stop it. I am a realist. My hope is not that we will return to 1950’s America. Folks, it is not going to happen. Look at history. All governments get bigger and freedom always erodes. In virtually any group of people (even ancient Israel), the true God is eventually rejected by the majority and morality declines. Historically, the only way any of this predictable negative progression ends is through the death of the original nation and the birth of a new one. Considering the pain and destruction involved in that whole process, there is not much hope there.

No hope. But that is because I have been talking about the America of today returning to the America of yesterday, and I honestly do not believe there is any realistic hope of that happening. But before I get to the place where I do find hope (they say suspense is a good thing in writing), think about what would happen if many or most of the best American Christians made the restoration of our previous national identity or a return to Christianity-driven cultural norms… what they are all about? What if American Christians were mostly a bunch of people who are angry about how bad things have gotten to be? What if we became, mostly, just a bunch of cry babies hollering about how much better things once were? And worse, what if the thing we are hoping for is not even the will of God? What if His present goals have nothing to do with returning America to its former glory? What if He has decided to let us come to the end of ourselves as a nation?

I realize the people who loved my last blog are beginning to hate this one. That includes me. I don’t like what I’m writing at this present moment. I’d rather shout on about how mad and disappointed I am and figure out some way to arm twist the nation back to its Christian roots. I'd at least like to hear myself rant about the fact that we DO HAVE Christian roots! We all want to hear SOMEBODY say the things I said in my last blog. We are all sick and tired of nobody speaking the truth. We’re angry. We have reason to be angry. But where can we find hope?

In part one of this blog, I listed eight core principles that have been rejected by the new majority of Americans, particularly those who are the America of tomorrow. I do not believe we can hope the majority is going to change its mind. I am sorry. Again, I am a realist. If a return to those principles is the thing I am hoping for, I am left without hope. I am left arguing on social media or perhaps boycotting practically every single business in existence to try to make a point. I’m left with nothing to eat but Chik-Fil-A and nowhere to shop but Hobby Lobby. If changing the opinions of this culture is where my hope is, I’ll spend my time ranting about the media and politicians, when my real problem is with the majority of my fellow Americans who I don’t want to believe exist.

Sometimes I still hear this idea that if we would just come together as Christians, we could take back this country. In fact, I have been hearing that all my life. There may have been a point where it was true, but I do not believe it is true any longer. The so-called silent majority is no longer a majority. In my city of around 50,000 people, maybe 3,000-4,000 folks are in church on a given Sunday. Maybe. Probably a third of those do not really believe the Bible. When are we going to wake up and realize most people are not like us? Committed Christians whose worldview is founded in Scripture are now the minority in America, by quite a wide margin. We need to deal with reality.

So where the heck is the hope?

My hope is in the book of Acts! My hope is in the first three centuries of Christianity in the Roman Empire! My hope is in what is happening today in China! We are not the first Christians to find themselves a minority. We are not the first to be persecuted, and make no mistake persecution is coming to American Christians. It has already begun, and it is going to get much worse. Wait, and that brings me hope? Yes, my friend, it absolutely does.

Listen to me, American Christians! Our hope is in evangelism and prayer, not picket signs and boycotts! Did the early Christians make changing the Roman Government their mission in life? Did they try to change the established “church” (Judaism)? Not really. They faced incredible odds as a tiny minority with almost no public voice. They were persecuted, tortured and killed. They were squelched. Their freedoms were taken. They were a tiny island in an ocean of those whose worldview was completely opposed to their own. (Sound familiar?) And yet, surely you know what happened. They changed the world. Truth is, everything was going great until they got the government on their side, about three centuries after they started.

Things are going to change. Make no mistake, I am profoundly sad about it. Churches will probably decline in numbers… maybe a lot for awhile. The decline in church membership and attendance in recent years across the nation has been staggering. We will be hated. We will not be popular. We will be misunderstood. We will be slandered. Where in the Bible does it say ANY of that should be our concern?

But again, where is the hope? My hope is in the fact that the church of Jesus Christ has always thrived when it is persecuted. My hope is in the fact that things are about to get very real when it comes to following Jesus. My hope is not in a nation (though I love my country). My hope is in a kingdom... the Kingdom of God and of His Christ.

Consider this: What did you always think was the most amazing thing a Christian could decide to do? I was always so inspired when someone was called to be a missionary. If someone decided to move to a foreign land, some place almost always less Christian than America, they were simply heroic. Their sacrifice inspired me. Still, by far, most of us… didn’t go. While the chosen few were willing to leave this great country and go someplace worse… to actually live in a foreign land for the express purpose of leading people to Christ… the rest of us stayed right here. We did not go to that difficult place to live… that challenging place to raise a family, and to serve. We did not go to that land. Instead, it came to us. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the foreign mission field. Welcome to America.

What do international missionaries do? Do they try to change the government where they serve? Do they try to change the culture? Do they try to change the schools or get everyone to think like they think or believe what they believe about every issue? No. What do they do? They evangelize. They try to lead one person at a time to Christ. And when that person comes to Christ, does he or she immediately agree about every economic or social issue? Does that person immediately change his or her entire worldview? Of course not. Sometimes, as they grow in Christ, their views can change, but it takes time, and sometimes, some of those views never change. Every missionary knows you don’t try to change the culture, you just try to reach people for Jesus, and let Him do whatever changing He thinks needs done… one person at a time.

What if American Christians began to think more like missionaries, called to America? What if we stopped expecting our work to already be done!? What if we began to see opportunity instead of disappointment? What if you and I have been called to witness for Christ in a foreign land where Christianity is hated? What if that land is America? What if our hope is simply found in one more person coming to know Jesus Christ?

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Concerned Citizen (Part One)

That description of myself is quite an understatement. I am more than concerned for the country in which I find citizenship. I am closer to terrified. Why? Because the things that made America so special are almost completely lost. Overstated? Oh I don’t think so. Not in light of historical timeframes. Give it a decade or two. Where do you honestly think we’ll be?

The majority of us are drugged (literally and figuratively). The nation, as a whole, is staggering about, having forgotten from whence it came and we are completely clueless about where we are going. We are leaderless. We are visionless. And most people under the age of forty are completely ignorant of the most important aspects of our history. 

It is this last concern that is perhaps, most concerning. History is what builds a nation. America was built upon the decisions and sacrifices of our forefathers, but we deny who they were and what they did. What we cannot deny, we simply do not teach. Most everything that matters about our history is revised or ignored, until teenagers today do not even know what many of our forefathers died to give us. Freedom is underrated and misunderstood. No one cares about those who died to earn and keep it for the rest of us. Most teenagers can’t imagine what would be worth fighting a war over. Too much time has passed. We have forgotten who we are.

Christianity? Censored. Limited Government? Expanded. Free Enterprise? Poisoned. Capitalism? Demonized. Free Speech? Categorized. Freedom of Religion? Squelched. American Exceptionalism? Denied. The Constitution? Demeaned.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. I do not agree in principle, but to some degree, like it or not, the village does raise the child. We cannot entirely shield our children from the village. What kind of child is the typical American village raising these days? In what direction are the adults of tomorrow being indoctrinated?

Indoctrinated? Yes, every society is indoctrinated. Even our grandparents were indoctrinated. The village indoctrinates. Schools, in particular, indoctrinate. Today, people are in some kind of school from age three, maybe even to age thirty. Schools have always indoctrinated and they always will. The only question is the source and the aim of that indoctrination.

What kind of indoctrination are the children of America receiving? Excluding those children whose parents actively work against the system or those children who, for one reason or another, reject the mainstream, what is the next generation of Americans being manipulated to believe? The following is a reasonable summary:

1. God did not create people or the world.
2. The Bible is mythology.
3. People are animals, evolved from apes.
4. The most important issues of our time are environmental.
5. Spanking is child abuse.
6. America has not been and is not exceptional in any way.
7. Truth is relative.
8. Immoral behavior should be celebrated.

The really not funny thing is that most young adults reading those eight principles will wonder what my problem is with most or all of them. The majority, and oh yes I mean majority of the younger generation would be willing to sign their names to these eight maxims as a manifesto. They do not even realize that they have been indoctrinated to believe the opposite of their grandparents and the opposite of the vast majority of Americans during the first 150 plus years of our history.

They have been indoctrinated. So have I. The difference between me and them is that I realize my ideas came from others, and I greatly respect those from whom my ideas came. My ideas came from the people who built this once great nation, or rather, in many cases from the same place where they got most of those ideas (The Bible). Oh yes, I was indoctrinated as well… to believe the following:

1. God created everything that exists out of nothing.
2. The Bible is true.
3. People were created in the image of God, distinct from animals.
4. The most important issues have to do with eternity.
5. When you spare the rod, you spoil the child.
6. America is quite possibly the most amazing nation to ever exist.
7. Truth is absolute.
8. Immoral behavior should be condemned.

Even as I write down those principles, I am aware of the venom and the vitriol they will inspire in a large swath of our now-persuaded-otherwise society. What cannot be debated is the fact that these beliefs were once held by nearly every American, certainly including our founders, who risked so much to create the first free nation of its kind.

Ideas have consequences. What happens when the old folks who understand all of this are gone? What happens when that half, or so, of my own generation who still hold to these truths, are gone? Some readers may think, “Well, then we’ll finally be rid of you nut jobs.” But you must admit that you will also be rid of every principle this nation was built upon. “So what?” you say. Well, I guess you will find out.

I have a hard time believing anything like the America I have known will continue to exist, and that makes me very sad. Considering the way history is being revised, I fear the next generation won’t even know what they’ve missed.

To be continued….

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Misguided Warriors

Every church has them. Some (very small) churches are completely made up of them. Many of them, however, are not connected to a particular church, but float around, thinking they need not join a particular church (a convenient way to avoid spiritual authority among other things). Who am I talking about? I am talking about passionate believers whose focus and energy are placed on the wrong things. I am talking about Misguided Warriors.

Make no mistake, these people are warriors. They are fighters. They don’t back down. They are bold and wear persecution (often self-inflicted) as a badge of honor. They are out to correct everyone else, especially pastors and especially anyone who leads a larger church or ministry. The bigger the ministry and the more successful the ministry leader, the more brazen the Misguided Warrior. According to the MG, these pastors are clearly off-base and must be brought back to the narrow road, or at least torn down as much as possible. They typically loathe the likes of Rick Warren or Beth Moore (two of the most wonderful people to ever grace the face of this earth.) However, since they can’t always get to famous people, they will also go after any spiritual leader they can find, especially those with a following (How dare they have a following, i.e. lead?).

Misguided Warriors destroy small groups. They destroy churches. They are a force for disunity like no other. Still, they think they are in the right. They have the unpublished books to prove it. They have the teachings of their favorite unheard-of preachers, teachers and prophets. Their cause is just and true. They must correct the church, and if they cannot correct it, they will identify it as false and bring it down so that the true church can emerge… or wait, is there a true church? Or are they the only ones around who really know the truth? Aren’t they, pretty much, a church unto themselves?

Oh, and I should point out that there is often truth to what Misguided Warriors say. Sometimes, they may be even be right on, in terms of facts. Christmas trees and Easter eggs are customs with pagan origins. Yep. That’s true. And the MG will tear your church apart over getting rid of these things. More often, however, their information is scant at best, and purely false at worst. How dare the pastor say, “Happy Easter!” Does he not know that the word Easter was derived from a pagan goddess? [By the way, etymology is almost always debatable, and just as likely the word, Easter, comes from German and English translations of what is now termed Passover. Besides, meanings of words change, and there is also the biblical concept known as redemption to consider as well. Can God not take what Satan meant for evil, and use it for good? For more on Easter, see:

Meanwhile, there is a war going on for souls! Eternity is in the balance for billions. And even while millions die every day destined for Hell, Misguided Warriors are busy spending their time telling the pastor he should take a firm stance against the Easter Bunny. After all, millions of children are being kept out of heaven, not because they haven’t heard the Gospel presented in a clear way, but because they are worshipping a pagan fertility symbol. Really?

The couple had been attending for months. They had been a little concerned about our vision graphic/logo. They thought it reminded them of some mystical symbols from a heretical movement used almost a millennia ago. They did a web search, and found some symbols they thought were similar (after all, they were circular), symbols connected to the mystic movement. They sent me these in hopes I would consider doing away with our vision graphic. They also noticed I had mentioned “practicing the presence of God” (ala Brother Lawrence), and boom, I needed to be called out on leading our church toward mysticism. [By the way, inasmuch as mysticism is the practice of walking in the Spirit and actually practicing a personal relationship with God through Christ, I have no problem with it.]

Another couple decides I’m using too many translations of Scripture. They prefer the King James and find fault with the rest, as if other, frankly, more accurate translations are not even authoritative (after all, they were not authorized by King James). Truth be told, I use what most scholars consider the most literal translation available (NASB) on most of my sermons,  unless I am doing a series designed for seekers (about once per year). It was during one of these series that this couple left, looking for a King-James-only church. By the way, is Old English the only language in the world? Should Latin Americans translate their Bible into Spanish from the original languages, or should they translate them from the Old English, KJV, which would give them a translation of a translation? And what of Wycliffe’s Bible or Tyndale’s or Luther’s (all before KJV)? Are they heresy?

Still another couple recently wanted to make sure our pastors are not a part of the “evil” government’s “Clergy Response Team,” because this would be a clear violation of “separation of church and state,” and we would be allowing ourselves to be controlled by the government in terms of our faith. “If we find that you are involved, we will insist you inform the entire congregation,” and (presumably) face the consequences, they threatened. [Incidentally, we are not a part of this.] The same couple wanted me to preach anti-Obama sermons more often, because they said it is a “godly cause” to tear down ungodly leaders. They recommended an unheard of book, written by a so-called scholar (fringe) to help me get over my obvious misconceptions of the thirteenth chapter of Romans (the idea of submission to the government, something I certainly do NOT over-interpret, and probably err on the side of a bit too much civil disobedience). Little do they know I could not be more unhappy with the government, nor do I submit to it in all regards, but they don’t think I talk about this enough from the pulpit. They want an anti-government pastor. Why? Because that is what they saturate themselves with. Everything they read, listen to, or think about… calls upon the church to be anti-government. We become what we read.

Others are wrapped up in a particular set of interpretations of apocalyptic Scripture. Others want a stronger stance against certain immoral practices. Still others get all up in arms over church polity, bylaws, Robert’s Rules, whether or not to incorporate or become a 501c(3), etc., etc., and believe me, I could go on. These are Misguided Warriors. They are few in number, and take pride in what they think they know, that most people don’t know. They think some people just haven’t read the right books. They do not represent the thoughts, opinions or desires of 99% of my congregation or most congregations, except where they have managed to group up (usually a church of under 50).

These are warriors, but they are also misguided. The saddest part of this is not even the division such people can bring to a church like mine. As lead shepherd (Gr. pomein = pastor = shepherd), one of my primary responsibilities is to protect the flock from those who would tear it apart (wolves in sheep’s clothing), and I do just that. But what makes me saddest is that these Misguided Warriors might have been great assets to the Kingdom of God. They are passionate people. They are bold. They are not afraid of persecution. They are ready to be laughed at and scorned and even find motivation in such things. They have SO MUCH potential, but they are fighting the wrong battles. That’s sad.

I am reminded of 1 Corinthians 13:2, “If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing” (please forgive the "unauthorized translation"). Can a Misguided Warrior be turned back around? I’d like to think so. I can remember a few times in my life when I was a Misguided Warrior, so I need to be gracious (Oops).

For me, when I was in my twenties, I had more zeal than love. For instance, all it took was one documentary about the holiday we call Halloween, and my mission became anti-Halloween. Since then, with more historical perspective and a few years of maturity, my view is still not positive, but it is more balanced, and I simply am more focused on matters of greater concern (i.e. The Great Commission). The point is, that any of us can read something or watch something persuasive and wind up on a witch hunt that really takes us out of the center of God’s Will for our lives.

Let me close by addressing the reader, directly. What if you are in danger of becoming a Misguided Warrior, yourself? Well, I would tell you to stop saturating yourself with the fringe books, the fringe videos and the fringe teachers, especially those who are all about what you need to be against or “watch out for” or how things need to be fixed in the church. A case can be built AGAINST anything. I promise you, I could build a case right now against just about anything you want to bring up. I could probably sell books to the ignorant and misguide many. Why? Because God gave me the gift of persuasion. Some people use their God-given gifts for the wrong reasons. I would encourage you to get back to the Bible and teachers who teach it as it is, without personal agenda.

There is a Commission to be fulfilled. There is The Gospel to be preached. God is calling His warriors to fight for the right things against the right enemies. Let us make His mission our only mission. Let us make His Gospel our only message. Let us leave the latest pet topic in the dust, and follow Jesus together, into the world. Let us use our passion and our boldness and our energy to be warriors for Jesus, fighting only His battles, guided only by Him. Who’s with me? Let’s go!