behold, I am going to raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for the
perishing, seek the scattered, heal the broken, or sustain the one standing,
but will devour the flesh of the fat sheep
and tear off their hoofs. Zechariah
11:16 (NASB95)
Here, God is threatening to raise up bad leadership as a
form of discipline, but in this we can assume the opposite would be God’s idea
of a good shepherd. This is a great
reminder for me and anyone else in pastoral leadership. According to this verse:
A good shepherd/pastor will:
1.) care for the perishing,
2.) seek the scattered,
3.) heal the broken,
4.) sustain the one standing, and
5.) cherish (not exploit) the strong.
One could write a sermon on each of these phrases, but I’ll
leave it at that. Thank you, Lord, for
this sobering reminder and the fulfillment that comes in doing your work.